Creative Writing Chapter 3 - Online

Course Content

Course Content

Learning in the local community has changed the lives of many adults across North Yorkshire and you could be one of them!

Research shows that learning throughout adulthood and into later life encourages important social interaction, gives a sense of hope and purpose and helps cope with stress, all of which has a positive impact on maintaining and improving our mental health and wellbeing.

The Intermediate to Creative Writing course isa fun and practical way of building confidence and developing creativity.
The course will help develop your writing craft and teach invaluable language and communication skills.
Channel your flair for storytelling through a variety of creative writing activities:
During the course, you will learn how to:
• explore different genres of writing
• devise a page-turning plotline
• describe and develop characters
• use language techniques to describe the setting and action
• write dialogue
• present your story in a suitable format.
This course is delivered in 2.5-hour sessions over 10 weeks.

This course is for anyone who was aged 19 or over on 31.8.24
No previous experience is required. Basic IT skills are essential if you plan to study online.
You will need to commit to regular attendance and to complete some study in your own time.

No previous experience is required. Basic IT skills are essential if you plan to study online.
You will need to commit to regular attendance and to complete some study in your own time.
You may like to bring along a notebook and pen to create reference notes. All other resources will be provided.
For online study, your teacher will contact you on a weekly basis through Teams and email. You will be given tasks to complete at each session, instructions and online demonstrations

If you don’t have access to a computer, we may still be able to support you. Ask for an appointment with a member of staff to discuss our other options.

Your teacher will give verbal and written feedback throughout the course.

An attendance certificate for completion of the course.

Throughout your time learning with us, you will also have developed a whole range of skills that can be transferred from your course to a working environment, your home life or your own personal development.
Skills such as time management, organisation, research skills, networking and presenting ideas are all part of your learning journey along with decision making, problem solving and overcoming obstacles. All these skills will help you to become a confident, self-motivated person and will assist you on your chosen pathway.

You may wish to join other interest-based courses, such as Intermediate Creative Writing or Getting Published, or to enrol on an accredited course in English at your level.
06:00 PM - 08:30 PM
Concessions may be available based on income and benefit status

Helping you financially

  • English, maths and computing courses (up to level 1) are FREE subject to eligibility (adult learners aged 19+ at 31st August 2024)
  • Reduced course fees for non-qualification courses if you receive a qualifying benefit.
  • Qualification courses at Level 2 or below are FREE if your income is below £25,000
  • Discretionary Learner Support funding relating to cover fees, books etc (qualifications only) T&C apply.
  • Pay for your course in instalments via direct debit (over £100), ask for details.
  • 19+ Advanced Learner Loans for Level 3 courses and above – no repayments until you earn over £25,000

If you are unsure on what price you should pay, please contact us on 01609 536066 or email adultlearningservice@northyorks.gov.uk